Way of Bodhisattva

So enough of this childish behaviour!
I shall follow in the steps of the wise,
And having recalled the advice concerning conscientiousness,
I shall turn away sleep and mental dullness.

Just like the compassionate Sons of the Conqueror,
I shall patiently accept what I have to do;
For if I do not make a constant effort day and night,
When will my misery ever come to an end?

Therefore, in order to dispel the obscurations
I shall withdraw my mind from mistaken ways
And constantly place it in equipoise
Upon the perfect object.

Shantideva, Bodhicharyavatara, verse 185-187

In the above stanzas from the book, A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, Shantideva urges us to acquire the quality of conscientiousness. In the first stanza, the ‘childish behaviour’ refers to ways of an ignorant. People aren’t conscious. But the readers of this book surely are, as a result they choose to seek these realities. Buddha taught that if we be with non-conscious people, they will seize our consciousness too. Here, Shantideva tells us to give up such childishness, or lack of seriousness, and by being conscientious enough, act wise. Here, ‘sleep’, can have two meanings; apart from sleep itself, it refers to the lack of awareness. Turning away from mental dullness denotes overcoming obtuseness, all of which can be attained through conscientiousness and practice.

In the second stanza, ‘Conqueror’ refers to a Buddha. They are said so because of the victory they make over themselves, and from ordinary men, transform into a Sugata. Son of Buddha is referred to the person having achieved the awaken mind. The Mahasiddha tells that without patience and constant endeavor, the misery cannot be overcome.

In the third stanza, ‘obscurations’ refers ignorance. Withdrawing mind from mistaken ways, means to turn away from a wrong efforts and methods, and wrong way of living. To place the mind in equipoise means to maintain harmony and balance within and without. ‘Upon the perfect object’ denotes the thing, or the idea or goal you focus upon and move forward with. In other words, it refers to the mindset.

If you look closely, most of these qualities are required by any person to be successful. It’s no harm if we follow such teachings. Moreover, they are beneficial, as all they do is to bring about pure happiness.

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