
“Where am I? Who are these people? Why are they so happy while I am crying”, thought overwhelmingly, a newborn baby looking at his family members.

Why there’s so much attachment between an individual and his parents? When you were born, you came as a stranger to this world, and the people (your parents) too were nothing more than absolute strangers to you. Then how did you develop attachment? The answer is – those are the ones whom you are living with ever since you were born. They take care of you, show you love. As an infant, you always tried to hold them close for the sense of security. All this may be regarded, from a certain point of view as ‘Stockholm syndrome’. You love them because they took care of you. But forget not the fact that they too were once that ‘stranger’ to you just as what everybody else seems to you when you suffer from depression; when you feel alone in the crowd.

But what if I say that just as you developed love for you parents, you can develop the same immense love and affection for each and every stranger of this world? This is actually possible, because all living creatures and organisms in this world, in a way are interconnected to each other. And when someone realizes this, it’s Mysticism.

It is believed that this peculiarly pacifying experience simply hits people, rising out of the blue, and at a very unexpected phase of life. It arrives not when sought, but, rather it comes when it has to come. And when it is there, it is as evident as an attention catching hiccup.

There are various religions in our society today which try to inculcate in you the belief that everything is a harmonious unity. You know, things like Christian Science—or the Unity Movement, and so on—they want to make a kind of propaganda for one to believe, and through believing, to feel that everything is harmonious.

Now, to my mind that is a kind of pseudo-mysticism because it’s an attempt to make the tail wag the dog, to make the effect produce the cause. Because this sensation of things being harmonious is somehow never brought about by insisting to yourself that that is so. Because when you do that—when you would say to yourself all things are light, all things are God, all things are beautiful, et cetera—actually, by doing that, you’re implying that they’re not. Because you wouldn’t be saying all that.

Alan Watts

When it is kind of experience is there, everything, every problem, big and small is transcended. You feel pity for people that they cannot see what you see. But at the same time, you know that it is still alright, as you come to feel, that everything that happened, everything that you’ve gone through is a part of a harmonious design, and there has been no error at all in the process.

This is exactly the kind of experience where you discover magic. You realize what it is: that every ordinary act done with an extra added element of magic potion, called love. It’s exactly where you discover, that in this life, there’s only one thing that makes sense to discover, and that is you!

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