Judgmental- Story of Shantideva

There was this hermit called Shantideva, the bearer of some spiritual knowledge. For further exploration, he visited the university of Nalanda as an apprentice. Now, what kind of behavior would be expected from a spiritual person? Of course, a decent one. But, on the contrary, what he depicted there was complete sloth. At the time of meditation, he did not meditate; at the time of eating, he ate a lot, etcetera, very opposite to a monk’s lifestyle.

It is said that a single fish spoils the whole pond. That’s exactly what had begun to happen – the students, in his company, became over the time lazy and careless. Masters, seeing this weren’t happy at all. So, looking for a solution, they came up with one. The made a new rule at the Nalanda. The rule was that every student, at least once had to preach something that he knew. Failing to do so, the person would have to leave the university. Masters had thought that this new member knew nothing at all, and would have to leave the place eventually in shame.

When turn came for Shantideva, he was supposed to sit on a throne. Unexpectedly, his one was surmounted at a huge flight of stairs. Reason being – they had thought that the lazy man shan’t be able climb it. To their astonishment, the monk walked up to the throne at a quickness of a serpent, within an eye blink! ‘How did he do that?’ all thought.

“What should be preached” he asked. “Something that has been preached before, or something that has never been preached before?”

And of-course, everybody said “something that has never been preached before.”

The man began with his preaching. As the assessment-cum-lecture went on and Shantideva reached till the ending chapters, the scholars witnessed something unforgettable – the preacher sitting forth began levitating above his throne itself! Each and every individual present there couldn’t believe on his own eyes. And then, one or two chapters more, and the hermit attained invisibility! Now the only thing present around was his echoing voice, preaching. And by-and-by, as it too vanished at the ending of the lecture, it became evident that the man had left.

A Yogi, such an achiever, who was among them for a good duration of time, and they weren’t even aware of it. They were surrounded and occupied by their own notions, beliefs and perception, that they were being so much judgmental. They didn’t consider seeing through the bigger picture. They had now realized their mistake. A sage in disguise had gone, leaving behind a big lesson.

Thank you for reading. . .

Have a productive life!!

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