True Happiness

The world is struggling in search of success. People of today tend to live more in future than in the present for sake of an earning, while others seem to have been engulfed by the past and hence they are not just depressed, but also anxious. This state of depression cum anxiety makes the person to suffer and overwhelmed, eventually causing him to take worst decisions of life. The person begins to spoil himself either by some means of intoxication or in the worst case they end their life. But the ones who get through for the better are only those who understand this, that life can take better turn provided that they atleast live and that too without the support of any filthy means (Man is solely the outcome of his own actions, hence he must accept the pain that comes to him). It happens only after this, that he finds true happiness.

People are striving so they can earn in future. Why humans want to earn more than what is required? Of course, to have more of happiness. To earn a lot is in fact not a wrong thing; suppose, if someone in a person’s family falls ill with a severe disease, for a rich person the treatment won’t be great headache, which won’t be case in a poor or middle calls family. But, if this earning is done solely for the purpose of happiness, then it is being done in vain. What ordinary man considers content is merely an evanescent tickle of excitement. People who say money buys happiness are specifically the ones who seek this. These are the ones with who have the least idea of what happiness actually is like. Especially the ones who depict themselves overjoyed on social media. Such people just go around grabbing life by trying to capture moments in a mere high-tech box. As a result, life keeps on slipping between the fingers of such people and they are left unsettled by-and-by, for the life is not found but solely lived in the here and now.

The truth is – most of the people on this earth pass away without experiencing this bliss even for once in their lives. Because real happiness isn’t an easy thing to get. It requires a lot of introspection and getting attuned with one’s own basic nature. This is the happiness which everyone deserves and should strive for. It demands discipline and arrives itself when not expected. For this feeling is going to be consistent, the wholesome practices needs to be continuous. This happiness isn’t at all about getting thrilled, or losing control. On the contrary it’s about balance. It’s a mental state marked by calmness and peace. A mindful living is its hallmark, or should be said- the key to it. When the non stop chatter which goes on inside the skull stops, everything seems clear and the reality becomes audible. Hence, you get to access the pleasure which is already there inside your heart♡.

If happiness always depends on something expected in the future, we are chasing a will-o’-the-wisp that ever eludes our grasp, until the future, and ourselves, vanish into the abyss of death.

Alan Watts

What keeps us from happiness is our inability to fully inhabit the present: The “primary consciousness,” the basic mind which knows reality rather than ideas about it, does not know the future. It lives completely in the present, and perceives nothing more than what is at this moment.

Alan Watts

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