You owe it

Suppose, a man after an enormous amount of striving somehow becomes awake. Now that he has this knowledge, this awareness, he decides to thank each and every individual who has even the smallest of contribution in his awakening. So, first he thinks of his gurus. Secondly, he considers people who helped him in his dark times. And then, he realizes the dark times themselves had the greatest of contribution in his awakening. Because that’s what pushed him to leave the comfort zone and strive. Otherwise, why would he think of leaving his home, family and friends he was attached to? So as he thinks of those dark times, he recalls the people who brought him that suffering. Is he supposed to thank them too? Of-course yes. His loved ones had this contribution, his so-called enemies had this contribution too. Then what about the people whom he never knew? Well, there are billions of such people in this world, to whom he is also a complete stranger. So this enlightened man thinks ‘surely they’ve nothing to do with all this’. But it’s after all this, that he comes to this realization, that all the people out there were simply doing there jobs. And that’s exactly what allowed the process of him becoming an ascetic to continue. Had they supported him in his days of grief, he wouldn’t have left for venture of wisdom, a quest for the door to get out of this suffering. (This is really an appreciable thing about the population of this world- it minds its own job in all scenarios, unknowingly carrying out a virtuous act. Perhaps, this is why everybody in this world is alive today despite all the destruction we’ve brought unto the globe.) So, once you begin to think that way, you come to know that where and what you are today, it is the result of not just your lifestyle but also of the existence of each and every organism out there; directly or indirectly.

You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.

Alan Watts

Hence, what you are today, you owe it to other people. It must be realized that they are ought to be a vessel of your respect, love and every sort of giving. And when you have this divine knowledge, it must be shared with the mankind.

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