A simple lifestyle

Suppose there’s a Buddhist master, who has a school with a scope of spirituality, that imparts finest education, and is capable of cultivating all kinds of skills in students. The school is producing the perfect human beings, and not just few out of them, but all of them. As the school and its principal gain reputation the government puts forward a proposal to give nation a completely new education that is similar to the one he gives. Now this is a great opportunity for the master to cultivate tokens of the fruit of such virtuous act. But do you think he will accept this proposal?

He won’t. For the master is aware full well that such a huge population shouldn’t go into attaining those states of consciousness. Then you may ask- why so? It is answered suitably by the Yin and the Yang- the white implies black, and the black implies white.

If the whole world, supposedly is enlightened, nobody is actually left to be enlightened. So the purpose of wise ones is lost. No Buddha or Boddhisattva would be born in that case. ‘The white implies black, and the black implies white’. When black disappears how will you distinguish white; how would you possibly become aware of its existence.

Moreover the master knows it too, that if he tries to do what shouldn’t be done, the Universe is not letting that happen. That’s not the way how things work out in the world. The master would’ve been opposed by the Universe and he would’ve only brought trouble to his own life. Think not that it was crucial but it didn’t happen until now. Awakening of the whole world- if this was supposed to happen this would’ve happened long before. And the population wouldn’t exist, because all would we liberated (the Universe wouldn’t have ever existed in that case). There’s never a complete change in the way the things have been. They’re just altered to extents. Take racism for example. People are still racist today. Casteism is deeply rooted in the soil of India. They haven’t vanished apparently. Carl Marx, Alexander, they all were up to imposing their ideologies. Their intentions were to make this world a better place to live in. They began with taking the world under control which only resulted into its destruction.

The good people of the society are the biggest trouble makers. Their must to change the world attitude is exactly what creates problems and friction. However its a matter of seeing that as a part of the divine process their existence too is crucial. And when it comes to our lifestyle, we should let the things flow naturally and adopt ways that involve controlling the external means as less as possible. One must realize that trying to alter the way the things are is not his job. His existence alone is virtuous. All he or she is supposed to do is to do his own job and let the world follow the process.

Mastery of the world is achieved,
by letting things take their natural course.
You can not master the world,
by changing the natural way.

Tao Te Ching, verse 48

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