The story of true wealth

For the perfect accomplishment of any art, you must get this feeling of the eternal present into your bones – for it is the secret of proper timing.

Alan Watts

Once while passing by a forest on a soothing morning, Tathagatta encountered three men who were chasing a lady. Ascetics were honored by the people of India. With respect they asked him-

Chap: Did you see a woman passing through this area?

Buddha: No, I did not. Why?

Chap: She’s a witch! She took away our money from us.

Buddha: Without reason?

Those men fell silent for a while.

Chap: We were carrying her to the city of Varanasi.

Buddha: She actually lightened your load. And you are till carrying the burden of her along with you.

Chap: You’re making fun of us! More than that woman we are concerned about our precious jewels.

Buddha: What’s stolen, it perhaps won’t return.

Chap: It was so much in amount you probably hadn’t even seen so much ever.

Added another man-

Chap: The truth is we were bewitched by that woman. Her charm robbed us! Otherwise this wouldn’t have happened ever.

Buddha: Actually she’s still robbing you… She stole your wealth in your past, but she’s robbing your present moment too.

And he added

Buddha: Tell me one thing, is she as much bothered about you people as much as you are about her currently?

Chap: Why would she be concerned?

Buddha: Then why are you people bothered? What was robbed was stolen in your past. After catching her what punishment you will give her will be in future. Your present is with you in the here and now. Burdened by the past, you’re trying to alter that future which is uncertain! And losing your present moment.

Chap: It’s true. What if we live in this moment?

Buddha: Then you will be able to discover yourself. You’ll be to recognize the thing that pains you, what it actually is.

Chap: Were you able to know yourself? And what is the merit of knowing oneself?

One of those men carried a flute along with him. Gautama asked for it.

Buddha: Give me your flute, pal.

Chap: A hermit will play the flute!

They laughed, and the man handed him the instrument.

Looking at the flute Buddha took it closer to his lips. With a perfect patience, he got completely absorbed in the tunes. And adding the most beautiful notes he played. Immediately, the birds from all around the places gathered around him. Those men were amazed. Maybe for first time in their lives they witnessed such a miracle. Glorious was its occurrence. And then soon Buddha concluded playing the music.

Buddha: Today after so many years I’ve touched flute with my lips. My notes have become more melodious than before.

Then he looked at the man-

Buddha: I’ve known myself. If you wish to play the flute sweet then don’t concentrate on the flute as much as you shall on the knowing your intrinsic essence.

Giving back the instrument to the man he went on his way. Seeing him leaving them, the man ran up to him and held his knees to stop him. With joint hand he bowed down.

Chap: Will you teach me to play the flute like you? I will seek myself. Will you accept me as your student?

Buddha: But I will seize your ego

Holding his shoulders made him to stand. Shakyamuni had got his new students.

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