A Saint below the Tree

And I saw the Buddha;
sitting under a tree exotic.
Its foliage aureated,
and on each of it sat a firefly.
A shimmering pearl on a seashell,
that's exactly what they resembled!
Those leaflets and those glow-worms;
that tree heavenly and that man-divine...
That gold-leafed evergreen,
was bedecked with blooms bright.
Like the rain descends drop-by-drop,
they came down slowly by-and-by that night.
Venerating perhaps-
the holy person below.
In that entire orchard fragrant,
the aroma of peace did flow.
And those chirps of those birds angelic,
purified the heart, mind and the soul.
As I sat facing the resident of the paradise,
I felt an urge to gently close my eyes.

As I meditated upon that soothing sound,
I saw ascent of an inner smile.
I found the recipe of eternal love,
as I maintained it for a while.

One response to “A Saint below the Tree”

  1. Never thought that words alone could feel so serene. Keep going🤍

    Liked by 1 person

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