Love, Life and Meditation

When we talk about spirituality, consciousness, awakening, law of attraction, this and that, there are a lot number of philosophies to come across. Tathagata gave the Eightfold Path, Lao instructed on approaching the Tao, Alan Watts gave a different philosophy. And as a result of that we are all baffled entirely. So here I provide you with a much simpler theory. One easy to understand, accept and implement in life. It’s the Theory of Love.

I define Love as the building block of entire Cosmos. You are love. Your essence is love. You are the eternal energy that manifests as a unit of the whole Universe; that is: Love! And when you start to look at things that way, those concepts of awakening simply slip from your mind. And what comes forth is pure affection, kindness and compassion for all; which is when given away is also received back. It’s requited…

No doubt the process of so called enlightenment or healing is a slow process. It’s a step-by-step approach. It includes compassion towards self and all beings, with the practice of meditation. It’s a cultivation.

Lord Shantideva, in his book ‘The Way of The Bodhisattva’ describes that everything is composed of love. Every eye blink expresses love. Sadness is love, trying to escape from that sadness is also love. Anger is love, your heart seeking happiness- even that is love.

So a question arises- “If everything is love then why I cannot see it?”

It’s simply because we never focus on positive and exaggerate the negative. We make mountain out of molehills and consider them to be real. That’s often regarded as ignorance. Undoubtedly we all have problems. But we don’t want to have those problems. And we go on mushrooming them, sometimes by taking actions that are counter productive. Moreover we carry an ‘extra luggage’ in our lives. This is exactly what encloses our innate quality of love. In our daily lives this usually includes:

  • Undue self consciousness
  • Excessive unnecessary information, like news, etc.
  • Burden of work
  • Tension, anxiety, depression, etc.
  • Overthinking
  • Disappointments
  • Polluted environment
  • Improper mental and physical health

That’s all basically lack of balance in life. The ancient Chinese sage Lao Tzu, urges us to get rid of them all. This is called Moderation: not to have more than what is required. According to the man those who follow moderation are already on the path of Tao.

But Why Meditation?

In simple words you are longing rest subconsciously. Because you heal when you rest. And meditation is that relaxation which you give to your mind, body, heart and soul. Meditation is a serene touch with reality. And when you practice that you slowly and gradually instead of dwelling in your thoughts you start to float in the gap between those thoughts. That’s where you find silence. A break from non-stop chatter that goes on inside the skull. That’s peace. Tension, anxiety, depression, everything is released. Those fences around your heart melt away. And pure, unconditional love expands. And when that love is almost boundless, that’s what you call as awakening. You get to feel the very fundamental nature of your own. And everybody else is the same. There’s no difference at all. That’s when you can see beyond one’s misbehavior. Maybe their inappropriate actions don’t annoy you anymore. Even if they hurt you, you don’t take it personally because you can see through their demeanor that the cause of it is merely pain. You look around yourself in all directions and laugh at the world; cuz you’ve now realized the true meaning of life. Which is just to be alive. And it’s so simple and so obvious. Yet everybody rushes around in great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves. You develop within yourself the best perception of all time. Everywhere you see you find this eternal energy, that is love expressing itself in one form or the other. And the good news is that you’re never separate from your fundamental nature of existence. And to realize this you need to get rid of the concept of awakening. Because you see the word ‘awakening’ which fascinates you, that’s just a metaphor. Which conveys that as if you’re no more asleep and now you’re in your senses. You have woken up. You’re now conscious.

Thank you for reading. Have a happy day ahead!

2 responses to “Love, Life and Meditation”

  1. Amazing! Eager to read more of such beautiful extracts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Darpan Sharma Avatar
      Darpan Sharma

      Amazing bro!

      Liked by 1 person

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